a place for contemplative practice, deep listening and compassion

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Shallowford Center for Mindful Living is a place for contemplative practice, deep listening, and compassion. We live to serve the community, and through our connection with Shallowford Presbyterian Church, we are committed to enhancing and deepening spiritual health. We invite all people, regardless of faith tradition, to grow and learn through practice and experience, embracing our common humanity and our capacity for living a life of love.
Featured Blog Posts
Building Fences - Poem by Sue Ellen Williams

A Calming and Clearing Meditation for Troubling Times
This mindful awareness practice invites a pause, and touching into the present moment with gentleness ... clearing a space to lean in and listen for the heart's intention ... inviting us, in the words of poet Martha Postlethwaite, to "create a clearing in the dense forest of your life."
Additional Ongoing Virtual Offerings No tuition

Monthly Gratefulness Gatherings
Practice Grateful Living in community, as together we focus attention on and acknowledge that life is a gift.
Weekly Contemplative Practice Circle
Pause, breathe deep, and practice presence ... A free weekly contemplative practice circle rooted in love and belonging.