a place for contemplative practice, deep listening and compassion
Virtual Offerings — no tuition

A Contemplative Practice Circle
Rooted in Love and Belonging
Meeting weekly via Zoom
Wednesdays from 1-2 pm ET, ongoing
What you practice grows stronger!! Science offers much evidence to support the knowing that well-being is a discipline and a skill, and with regular practice, we can literally rewire our brains to strengthen compassion, care, and connectedness.
Join us as we set aside time, in community, to explore practices to ground us in presence and sustain us as we move through life's ups and downs. Our intention is to invite a regular rhythm of practice as we offer a safe place of refuge to slow down and listen deeply to ourselves and each other. Each week, we’ll guide you as together we explore various practices, including meditation, mindful dialogue, and poetic inquiry. Let’s wake up our best selves by strengthening our human capacity for loving awareness, connection, compassion, and embodied peace.
Our practice circle is offered tuition-free, yet donations to Shallowford Center for Mindful Living are welcome and important to sustain our capacity to encourage and facilitate the inner work of well-being as a spiritual foundation for a more grace-filled, loving world.
What you practice grows stronger … We facilitate practices to:
Deepen presence
Awaken kindness, compassion,
Create space to respond rather than react
Tap into hope and joy, especially in challenging times
Contribute to the healing of body, mind, and spirit
Accept hardship as a pathway to peace
Live a mindful, wholehearted life

Practice Grateful Living –
Monthly Gratefulness Gatherings
Meeting the 4th Monday of each month via Zoom, 11 am - noon, ET. Tuition-free.
Grateful living is a way of life.
Learn to focus attention on and acknowledge that life is a gift.
Gratefulness Gatherings are an opportunity to explore grateful living in community. Even in the most challenging times, living gratefully makes us aware of opportunities to learn and grow,
and to extend ourselves with care and compassion to others.
Gratefulness Gatherings facilitates practices to:
Anchor hope and trust in life, especially in challenging times
Unleash joy
Awaken kindness, compassion, and generosity
Inspire the impulse to serve with humility
Contribute to the healing of body, mind, and spirit
Offer pathways from conflict to peace
Have an engaged YES to a mindful, wholehearted life
Our hope is that these offerings evoke a feeling of "great fullness" and give you a taste of the transformative possibilities contained within living life with grateful attention.
Shallowford Center for Mindful Living offers tuition-free Gratefulness Gatherings in partnership with the Network for Grateful Living, a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices which inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyze the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility. Discover more about the mission of the Network for Grateful Living at grateful.org.