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In-person workshop March 7 & 8, 2025

Being Ready: Leaning into Purpose-full Living and Dying

Learn More - Register Now!

Mindfulness is about love and loving life.
When you cultivate this love,
it gives you clarity and compassion for life,
and your actions happen in accordance with that.

- Jon Kabat Zinn

Journey with us ...

SCML invites all people, regardless of faith tradition, to grow and learn through intentional practice and experience, moving slowly, with gentleness, to a place of courageous curiosity … accepting hardship as a pathway to peace ... embracing our common humanity and our capacity for living a life of love. Through our connection with Shallowford Presbyterian Church, we are committed to enhancing and deepening mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
– Romans 12:2
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We invite you to ...

Explore ancient and enduring practices for human flourishing. This includes mindfulness meditation and other contemplative practices that open the heart and mind to see and cultivate what is true, beautiful, and good. 

Embracing the need for renewal through both solitude and community, we intentionally create learning spaces to re-discover innate capacities for mindful awareness and compassion through scientifically sound, research-based approaches to:


  • Build stress resilience

  • Cultivate compassion from the inside/out.

  • Discover a deep sense of meaning and purpose

  • Increase energy and vitality

  • Deepen relationships 

  • Sharpen skills for self-awareness,

  • Self-reflection, self-regulation, and self-care

  • Develop skills and practices for focus and deep listening

  • Explore and practice mindfulness and mind-body skills

  • Explore pathways for creativity, healing, and growth

The Shallowford Center for Mindful Living encourages mindful living, joyful connection, and compassionate action. By offering training and retreats grounded in mindfulness and self-reflection, we invite you to slow down, focus, and pay attention to what matters most. 

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Monthly Gratefulness Gatherings
Virtual & Tuition-free

Practice Grateful living in community, as together we focus attention on and acknowledge that life is a gift.


Weekly Contemplative
Practice Circle

Virtual & Tuition-free

Pause, breathe deep, and practice presence …
A free weekly contemplative practice circle rooted in love and belonging. 

Services & Resources

Trail in Woods

Mindfulness Education

Ancient contemplative wisdom intersects with modern Western neuroscience to reveal that, with practice, our brains can literally be “rewired” for resilience, joy, compassion, and embodied presence.

Image by Lee  Campbell

Guided Meditations & Recordings to Inspire Practice

 Explore our free recordings via Soundcloud.  Access guided meditations via Stillwaters Mindfulness and "Listen In" on Robby and Kay as they engage in meaningful conversations to connect and inspire mindful living and learning.

Forest Road

Healing Circles

A safe space to listen deeply and engage in meaningful conversations (whether short-term or for an extended time), strengthening inner resources and resilience to meet the inevitable challenges, uncertainties, and hardships of life.  

New Growth

Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Connect with Us

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